Profil Sexy Beauty Nadila Ernesta

Nadila Ernesta born in Jakarta, 4 February 1988, is a star and film sinetrin Indonesia Nadila first known through his role in the sinetron Inikah Rasanyaa (2004). Sinetron some other girls then starring in the bloody Palembang-Batak is Manusia Bersisik, God Maha Besar, Rahasia Illahi, and Takdir Ilahi. Nadila also trying to play in the big screen with the headline Miracle (2007) and Hantuu Jembatann Ancoll (2008).

Foto Nadila Ernesta

Now Dila activities not only syuting, primary school graduates Ricci 2 Pondok Aren, SMP Strada Bhakti Utama Pesanggrahan Bintaro-2003, high school and Ora Et Labora Pondok Indah in 2006 was also a student at the Institute of Science Campus Fashion Indonesia. Hope is if the future is no longer pro career in the entertainment world, Dila obtain stock knowledge to open a boutique business.

Nadila Ernesta Filmography:
  • Miracle "Challenge of Death" (2007)
  • Hantu Ancol Bridge (2008)
  • More How? (2008)
  • Hantu Manggarai Train (2008)
  • Cintaku Forever (2008)
  • Ampera Rumah Hantu (2009)
Koleksi Foto Nadila Ernesta

Nadila Ernesta

Nadila Ernesta