Profil Raffi Ahmad Faridz artis Cowok Ganteng Indonesia

Raffi Ahmad Faridz or bias in the know with the name Raffi Ahmad was born in Bandung on 17 February 1987 from the pair Munawar Ahmad and Amy Qanita.

Not only has the handsome face, Raffi Ahmad also received nominations Award Actor Ngetop SCTV 2006 . addition, he also achieved the opportunity to be vocal with the BBB (Bukan Bintang Biasa) formation with Jimmy Bondoc Laudya Cyntia Bella, Chelsea Olivia, Dimas Beck and Ayushita. After success with hits Lets Dance Together, they also play in the film Bukan Bintang Biasa (BBB).
Raffi Ahmad
Foto Raffi Ahmad

Currently, Raffi busy again with vocal group BBB who are doing the promo song Putuss nyambung. Besides singing career, Raffi busy with work as a presenter at the event DAHSYAT RCTI music with Luna Maya and Olga Syahputra.

Actors often gonta change this boyfriend, at the beginning of the month in April 2009
tell're close to the singer Yuni Shara. Proximity and admiration triggered Raffi to Yuni, eventually making both the artist terpaut difference almost 15 years of age became close.

"From first, he already ngefans with Mbak Yuni. Especially with tea ocha (singer Rossa)," said Cynthia Bella Laudya Artists that familiar call Bella at this rate, proximity to the Raffi Yuni is considered a normal thing.

"Normal near the same if he Mbak Yuni. What, Raffi is also close to the tea Jimmy Bondoc. But its far, I do not know," said movie stars Lentera Merah this.

In his love life, Raffi Ahmad who often get the stamp as a playboy had a boyfriend Laudya Cyntia Bella, Tyas Mirasih and Velove Vexia. However, all relationships that ultimately fail.

Raffi Yuni togetherness and start a conversation when the two artists is watching this event generation Java Jazz 2009. When tersadar their presence to attract journalists and the public, Velasquez sister is slowly separating themselves from Raffi. Both separate and choose their own way.

Raffi Ahmad

Raffi Ahmad

Raffi Ahmad