Foto Artis Indonesia Imey Liem Si Seksi Penggila Tattoo

Imey Liem

Imey Liem

Imey Liem

Imey Liem

Debut Comedy, Imey Liem The role of his People of East Java

Playing in his first comedy film, Imelda Chrisdianti or better known as the Imey Liem had to work extra hard in studying role. However, his struggle was somewhat helpful because the role he played was one of East Java, just as his birthplace, Kediri.

"His role as Zissy, overseas from East Java but indifferent, friendship with Luna Maya (Gina / Bali) and Tyas Mirasih Endah (Tari / Manado). If the accent does not matter, but when the characters explore it a bit difficult. Chemistry with Luna Maya and Tyas Mirasih a rather long time, "she said when met at the press screening films Ratu Kostmopolitan, FX Plaza, Jakarta, some time ago.

In the film this time, Imey Liem will play the East Java. Because of course, came from East Java language problem is not that difficult obstacles to overcome. "If the same family use the Java language, was in Jakarta when I was learning the Indonesian language. Sometimes too, if so MC out of his dirty, often mocked bonek also, 'Basic Java you'," she said.

Asked about the rough sumpahan often spoken of East Java, this one movie player replied, "Quit language 'A *u and j****k' is indeed familiarity , If not so serious way. That's normal as my friends Just who is near. Because if there (in Java) I say 'gue' was ridiculed, 'you really Jakarta hell' so. "

Owner necklace rosary tattoo on right ankle was also claimed to see a lot of challenges in this film. "Here also his most recent Imey Liem, so get together who've learned first. Here we do not droll indeed natural course, we simply churning stomachs because we watch too loud-laughing," she said. For the sake of her role well, she was willing to cut her hair to short.

In spite of it all, Imey not refuse if later on a lot of criticism related to his acting was addressed to him. "Criticism for Imey Liem that's good, because I'm here to learn, I will accept with good, if not become arrogant later criticized," she concluded.