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Cynthiara Alona beautiful artist never experienced a bad incident, which was expelled by his parents. Because Cynthia discovered pose nude for Playboy magazine. Not only that, Cynthia's grandfather also had stress when she found out her grandson was doing like that.

Cynthiara Alona beautiful film, Alona Chintyara evicted from home for naked photos of exposure time for adult men's magazines in circulation. "I was evicted from the house, when the pictures in playboy was outstanding," said Chintyara.

Cynthiara Alona Hot

Cynthiara Alona Hot

Cynthiara Alona Hot

Cynthiara Alona Hot

Cynthiara Alona Hot

Not only was expelled from the house, Chintyara also received strong protests from her family. Even Chintyara father had experienced stress.
Stars 'Setan Budeg' claimed was posing nude photo shoot while doing it. But when it is displayed in magazines, photographs Chintyara not too vulgar.
"Snapshots nude in his magazine, but not until somewhere," she explained.

Cynthiara Alona Hot

Cynthiara Alona Hot

Cynthiara Alona Hot

Cynthiara Alona Hot

Chintyara reveal the photo was released in several Asian countries. Among other things, in Singapore, Japan and Thailand.
Well if you know of such a result should not be repeated again shooting like that. Because the poses nude like that should only be for personal collections.

"I did have time to make them mad because I photographed nude. But I have not seen the nude picture as it is covered by paint. But it has made me expelled, "said Cynthia, as seen in the launching of the Plaza film Kuntilanak nail FX, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (28 / 7).

One charger BUDI Thank God this show tell if she had appeared in Playboy magazine in Singapore, Japan and Thailand in different time periods.

"But it was compounded by the circulation of pictures of me naked. Though the deal with Playboy that the photographs will not be distributed and only for personal consumption. So could regret really, "she said.

Now, Cynthia jumped into nude admitted for trauma. Himself had promised her family to not appear nude. "Sexy is not it not be naked," she said