Hot Bikini Artis Masayu Anastasia, Lolita Putri Rizky, Adelia Rashia di Film Pengantin Topeng Part III

Hot Bikini  Masayu Anastasia,Lolita Putri,Adelia Rashia

Hot Bikini  Masayu Anastasia,Lolita Putri,Adelia Rashia

Hot Bikini  Masayu Anastasia,Lolita Putri,Adelia Rashia

Hot Bikini  Masayu Anastasia,Lolita Putri,Adelia Rashia

Hot Bikini  Masayu Anastasia,Lolita Putri,Adelia Rashia

Masayu Anastasia back to a world that has raised her name. Masayu appear in horror film genre in the movie called 'Pengantin Topeng'. The movie was directed by AWI Suryadi, Masayu role as prospective brides. Masayu to vacation with her friends at a beach.

And that's where she look sexy with bikini. Masayu admitted to undergo all the process of filming the movie, has requested permission from her husband, Lembu 'Club Eighties' first. Each there is any job I would ask my husband's approval. Now it's definitely different family yes. Once able to direct the movie scenario I give to him. So no problem.

Masayu claimed her husband was not the type of person who liked to organize. Lembu always give kebasan him to choose the roles to be played will be starring in a film. Jonathan Frizzy ex-boyfriend is feeling very enthusiastic role in the movie because her role is different from previous roles. She felt his role in this film is gray.