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Lia Trio Macan

Lia Trio Macan

Lia Trio Macan

Lia Trio Macan

Lia Ladysta aka Lia Trio Macan Not Ambitious Solo Career

Success with Trio Macan, Lia Ladysta name is quite interesting as well as a sitcom actress. A new soap opera filmed Monty Tiwa taken from the hit movie "Mendadak Dangdut" will be starring artists from East Java Lamongan it.

In the soap opera that Leah would be lined up to star as a single organ mainstay singer around the village until stiff. No less than 156 episodes going dilakoni leader Trio Macan it.

"Until now there has been no meaningful constraint. All still can be adjusted between singing and shooting. At this point the function of an effective manager," said Lia Trio Macan.

About time too, Lia Trio Macan was rumored to be expelled from the soap opera. But because demand was Lia Monty continues to be used. "Indeed

I'm more focused on singing, "said Lia Trio Macan.

"Because here is not just me, but there are two of my friends, if I sing that I omit thwart their fortune, though in fact all the luck of God," she said.

Between singing and filming is expressly Lia Trio Macan chose singing. Because she was singing was the original habitat in the entertainment world. "Anyway I should not be selfish by choosing to shoot. I have no ambitions for a solo career anyway," she concluded.