Foto Artis Seksi Indonesia Bella Nasyahab

Bella Nasyahab

Bella Nasyahab

Bella Nasyahab

Bella Nasyahab

Bella Nasyahab

Bella Nasyahab, Newcomer Artist Pocong Keliling Film

One more new faces graced the screen. This vibrant and energetic girl will hit the world of entertainment with attractive appearance.

Bella Nasyahab new 22-year-old has appeared in the '18 + 'and has tested his acting talent in the horror comedy film,' Poll 'aka' Pocong Keliling '. No need to doubt how beautiful girl full of charm is working out sexy body.

In the wilds of movies and soap operas, Bella Nasyahab, is still classified as emerging artists. But through the film that starred in it, she wanted to serve the entertainment fresh and entertaining, it's ready to steal the attention. In the course through diperankannya figures.

Viewed from a horror movie theme, does not mean that Bella Nasyahab must come up with a horror costume, too. Rather than plump costume swathed her horror, was more visible keseksiannya. Not to mention supported by his courage .. bla.bla acting a little blah ... but still within the limits of tolerance of pornography.

Want to be closer to the girl Bella Nasyahab who bersahaya, they are outspoken and like to speak frankly, she did not dismiss a friendship and friendship from everyone regardless of social status. And if you want a closer look, watch movies and sambangi same poll in question either in the shoting, anywhere or at home.