Foto Model Hot Novie Amelia

"Five years ago he never graced the cover POPULAR sexy bikini clad, as well as to debut the magazine posed on an adult male at a very young age. Now he is back to up to do and invite you to witness the changes. Yes, of course now he's added maturity and adulthood. "
YOU should try typing a keyword in the search engine Novie Amelia now. In a split second, comes news and images about it. Yes, in the virtual world very popular figure and imaged as The Hottest Bikini Models. Pose the most challenging and teasing is taken from your favorite magazines this documentation.

Novie Amelia

Novie Amelia

Novie Amelia

Now POPULAR serve and perpetuate the portrait of a sweet-faced woman tergress origin of this North Sumatra with a two piece lingerie plus chasing his new body that has been prepared just for you.

Welcome home Novi, was the second time, so the cover after the year 2005?
August 2005 moments that I will not forget, it was the first time I wear a bikini photo and the first time in an adult men's magazines. POPULAR gratitude for all who helped my career in the entertainment world.

Looks like a lot of changes, is it not?
Yeah, I was still chubby, a little plump. Dada I was also greater than now, he .. he .. he .. But I feel more sexy with a tight body like this. Thanks sit ups every morning.

Novie Amelia

Novie Amelia

Novie Amelia

They say you have time to vacuum from the world of photo model?
Yes, since two years ago, so I miss being photographed. Only now I could bring myself again for the photos.

If I may know what the reason?
At that time I was angry when I paired the photo section, but now I try to struggle, if indeed he love me, you should thank me as I am. Albumku also broken in the middle of the road because of courtship.

Oooh yes, tell dong about the album!
In 2008 I was offered the management to make a pop album Dangdut, by chance I also like to Dangdut, so I accept. Her album titled 'Rump Semok'. NSP, video clips, tv and radio campaigns all have lived, but not the spirit in the middle of the road for dating, hi .. hi .. hi ..

Oh yeah? Too bad ..
At that time I did not focus on so mind branched. Honestly, when I was less confident, because I never knew vocal technique. After that the management team to bring the three teachers assigned to teach singing for me. After all that time I was a child, not to think so singer truth.

Novie Amelia

Novie Amelia

Since when has love dangdut music?
Since childhood I often heard dangdut music, so it's fusion. Dangdut's cool for me.

This music's got a lot of twisted complained difficult by the singer, if you?
Incidentally if you can not sing pop, but if instead I could cengkoknya dangdut.

Jago twisted, rocking rooster dangdut too?
It has no talent, so just follow the music groove. But it fits the process of this album, I taught dance teacher for three months. Enak's finally become flexible.

Dangdut dancing often not for the spouse?
Boyfriend does not ever told, but I did it in front of her coquettish. Up and go to bed and dancing-dancing.

Continue what his comments?
No comments, may make a horny time yes, he .. he .. he ..

Novie Amelia

Novie Amelia

If given the chance the concert, which wants to perform?
I definitely want to pound the field, my hometown.

How many men with a statement that said the model only unsightly, but not fun when in bed?
No ah, depending on the opponent to play dong. If aggressive must be served. Or maybe the face of a mediocre man.

If you like what type?
Fishing really deh. I'm wild, romantic type. So if you want to play should be in-treat first, kissing, talking and jamming wine.

The sensation was like what?
More aggressive in any position, meaning better. Hard, can not dijelasin with words.

Examples of what?
Hmmm, do not ever have to nge's wine. I never again fight at that time, my boyfriend continued to chase and pulled me out of the car. I was brought into the room, all lights dimatiin, I just stayed in bed. She immediately opened her clothes, turn off the lights, turn on the flashlight and mobile phone. After that knows dong, not really forgotten, even without wine.

Besides wine, what could make you turn on?
I like men who smell and fragrant, let alone the smell I like, instantly makes skin crawl.

Never a one night stand when I meet an interesting man scent?
That's the humane thing, can directly ripple, but never have. If the boyfriend does not own anything.